What is DBDesigner ?
DBDesigner 4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling, creation and maintenance into a single, seamless environment.
It combines professional features and a clear and simple user interface to offer the most efficient way to handle your databases.
DBDesigner 4 compares to products like Oracle’s Designer©, IBM’s Rational Rose©, Computer Associates’s ERwin© and theKompany’s DataArchitect© but is an Open Source Project available for Microsoft Windows© 2k/XP and Linux KDE/Gnome. It is release on the GPL
Install DBDesigner on your Box
Firt, your need to download DBDesigner on the oficial site. The url to download this program is http://www.fabforce.net/dbdesigner4. This address has various versions of DBDesigner, but if you need to install on a Slackware machine, the direct url to download is http://www.fabforce.net/downloadfile.php?iddownloadfile=2 .
After download the program, unpack this on a directory ( i use /opt or /usr/local .
mv DBDesigner4.0.5.4.tar.gz /opt
tar -xvzf DBDesigner4.0.5.4.tar.gz
After this you have DBDesigner on your /opt directory.
On a Xterm, put this command :
After this commands, you will receive this error:
libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
To fix this error, you need to download the Kylix Library. In many distros you don’t have this lib on default installation.
To install this lib, download this on this url, and:
After download the package :
mv kylixlibs3-borqt-3.0-2.tar.gz /usr/src
cd /usr/src
tar zxfs kylixlibs3-borqt-3.0-2.tar.gz
cd kylixlibs3-borqt
This script creates a diretory /usr/lib/kylix3 and in this dir, your have this archive: libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so .
To fix the error, you need to use this command:
ln -s /usr/lib/kylix3/libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so /usr/lib/kylix3/libborqt-6.9-qt2.3.so
If you get an error again, use this commands:
echo “/usr/lib/kylix3” » /etc/ld.so.conf
And, again, if you have other error, use this commands:
cd /lib
ln -s /usr/lib/kylix3/libborqt-6.9.0-qt2.3.so
And your DBDesigner is running :)
Thanks for your visit.